This is the complete list of members for BNetwork, including all inherited members.
BNetwork() | BNetwork | |
config(Bool dhcp, IpAddress ipAddress=0, IpAddress netmask=0, IpAddress gateway=0) | BNetwork | |
debugPrint() | BNetwork | |
etherAddMulticastAddress(const ip4_addr_t *group, enum netif_mac_filter_action action) | BNetwork | |
etherInit() | BNetwork | |
etherPacketRecv() | BNetwork | |
etherPacketSend(IpPacket *packet) | BNetwork | |
getIpAddress(IpAddress &ipAddress) | BNetwork | |
getIpGateway(IpAddress &ipAddress) | BNetwork | |
getIpNetmask(IpAddress &ipAddress) | BNetwork | |
getIpTimeServer(IpAddress &ipAddress) | BNetwork | |
getMac(BUInt8 *mac) | BNetwork | |
getStats(BNetworkStats &stats) | BNetwork | |
init(const BUInt8 *macAddress, BUInt8 phyNum, PhyType phyType, const Pin *pins=0) | BNetwork | |
interrupt(int event) | BNetwork | |
linkChanged() | BNetwork | |
odhcp | BNetwork | protected |
oether | BNetwork | |
oeventQueue | BNetwork | protected |
ogateway | BNetwork | protected |
oipAddress | BNetwork | protected |
omacAddress | BNetwork | protected |
onetif | BNetwork | |
onetmask | BNetwork | protected |
ophyAutoNeg | BNetwork | protected |
ophyFullDuplex | BNetwork | protected |
ophyNum | BNetwork | protected |
ophySpeed | BNetwork | protected |
ophyType | BNetwork | protected |
oprocessTask | BNetwork | protected |
ostats | BNetwork | protected |
phyEnable(Bool on) | BNetwork | |
phyInit() | BNetwork | |
phyPrint() | BNetwork | |
phyProcess() | BNetwork | |
phySet(Bool autoNeg, Bool fullDuplex, BUInt32 speed) | BNetwork | |
phySetup() | BNetwork | |
PhyType enum name | BNetwork | |
PhyTypeDP83848 enum value | BNetwork | |
PhyTypeLAN8742A enum value | BNetwork | |
phyUpdate() | BNetwork | |
ping(BSocketAddress address, BUInt32 timeout, BUInt32 &timeUs) | BNetwork | |
process() | BNetwork | |
process_dhcp() | BNetwork | |
setUpDown(Bool up) | BNetwork | |
start(Bool dhcp, IpAddress ipAddress=0, IpAddress netmask=0, IpAddress gateway=0) | BNetwork | |
~BNetwork() | BNetwork | virtual |